Sunday, November 14, 2010

Beauty Tip of the Day: Do not spray your perfume on your neck

Where do you usually spray your perfume? There are certain hot-spot areas that we usually spray our perfume on which are our neck, back of ears and wrists. But do you that it is advisable not to spray the perfume on your neck?

The reason:
The skin area at the neck is as delicate as our eyes area and the alcohol of the perfume will cause pre-mature aging. (Oh no!!) The alcohol contains in the perfume attracts the sun and magnifies its burning and aging effect which is very bad for our skin!

So, avoid spraying your perfume on your neck. You don't want your neck to betrays your real age!
The best places or hot-spot areas to spray your perfume are lower inner arm, wrist, back of ears, knees and even your hair. Hold the perfume at a distance of about 8 inches, while spraying it on the hair. It does makes a different. ^_^

Extra tip for perfume lover:
To make your perfume last longer, put an unscented moisturizer on first and then spray on your perfume a few seconds later. It works much better on oily surface than on dry skin, preventing it from evaporates quickly.

Have a nice Sunday and stay beautiful!  ❤ ❤


Elisa Lee ❤ said...

omg, hahaha.. I do that EVERY MORNING T_T Its my normal routine to spray it on my neck xD lol thanks for the tip =)

mint said...

thanks for the tip! I usually spray it on my hair or neck cos it's easy. haha :P I'll keep this in mind and avoid the neck now. thanks~

~Lisa said...

Thanks for the tip!

Nicole'sMirror said...

People always say that perfumes will stain your clothes but I spray them on my clothes instead my body :p

Charming Vanity said...

Thanks for the tips! I spray it to my neck every day! OMG...that must have aged the skin around my neck quite abit! Great post!


Jennifer said...

omg i should stop spraying on the neck!! thansk for the tips!! lol if you want i can still get hold of a Jill stuart Xmas set or Lunasol Xmas Coffret :)

Fifi said...

wow I didn't know that. thanks for the tip!

shuaddict said...

i do that all the time .. eek don't want neck to age! thanks for the tip

bangbangsheshoots said...

i didnt know this! thanks for the tip!

ashura said...

Thanks for the tip! I really didn't know and I have been spraying perfume at my neck?? Ekks!

Musicalhouses said...

Haha, I always spray perfume on my neck! I spray the back of my neck though (so that it appears that the scent is coming from your hair). So I guess maybe I'll only age at the back of my neck? LOL.

Lisa said...

Wow, thanks for the great tip :) Really didn't know that :O Thanks for sharing ! :)

Cynthia Loh said...

Perfume doesn't work on clothes, it won't stay long. The best way try spraying to the place which has more heat ^^

Cynthia Loh said...

I've used to do so too until recently my SA told me not to..

Cynthia Loh said...

I got my JS Set d~~ ^^

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