Juggling on how busy my life is and blogging is ain't good. But I'd make a promise to myself that I'll try my best to update this blog whenever I can. I hope I don't disappoint the readers.
I totally had no idea why I'm so careless in handling 'fragile' stuff. (That's why my friends called me blur-sotong :p) Recently, I had dropped my MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural and~~~ *gasp*
Therefore, I've found out a magical way on how to save your crashed powder. This method may not work for all powder especially baked ones. But it works for me, so no harm sharing.
First you gonna prepare the a brush, cotton, rubbing alcohol (which you may get it from your local pharmacy) and a transparency waterproof cover/ card.
1) Here's how your crashed powder look like. Messy.. and heartache~~
Oh! I'm using my favorite ELF Studio Warm Bronzer.
2) Use a brush to clear up the mess. If your powder are like mine- with 4 different sections, you may fix up the powder mess color by color.
3) Pour the crashed powder into an unused jar.
4) Put the transparency cover on top of the powder and soak the cotton with rubbing alcohol. Please be careful when handling rubbing alcohol.
5) Rubbing the transparency surface with the cotton vigorously until the powder stick together.
(Optionally: you may also pour a few drops of the rubbing alcohol into the powder)
The result? You'll get something like that: ^_^
Remember to press your powder hard to compress it or it will somehow get loose and crack again.
There's another way of saving your crashed powders. But I've yet to try that yet. Do tell me if you guys had any other tips too.
Thanks for the tips :)
LOL, this is my review of the EH makeup remover. I won't be going into more details :)
thank u for the tips !!
Thanks for sharing this. I will try this on my FaceShop blush which I broke.
Thanks BTW for visitin' my blog. You have a nice blog too, followed you :)
Glad I visited your blog and learnt this useful tip :)
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